Mucus method or Billings method

The mucus method which also Billings method is called is part of the methods of the natural family planning. With this method the fertile days of the woman can be determined within a cycle with the change of the mucus in the cervix. The mucus is usually tough and transparent. It becomes more clearly and more thinly the time of the ovulation minimumly so that the sperm cells can reach the womb more lightly after the menstruation until. Within the fertile days the vaginal mucus is clearly and well getting crazy cash, looking and touching resembles the raw egg-white, woman also can draw it between two fingers.

The Pearl index of the mucus method is between 5 and 15.


Woman examines the mucus every day which forms in the cervix and gets perceptible at the sheath exit. The mucus consistence gets registered into a graph. This method must be learned. To this there also are courses. On the fertile days woman must do without the sexual intercourse or put other contraceptives (e.g. condoms).


This method doesn't load the body. Woman can get to know her body by the method better.


Is alone applied this method isn't very sure. The method must be learned thoroughly before it is used to the prophylaxis. The consistent execution of the method, the minimum withdrawal of the mucus, requires much discipline. Bacterial infections or psychic loads can influence the mucus consistence.

The mucus method doesn't offer any protection on the fertile days. The pair on others must, as a rule mechanical or prophylaxis methods go back during this time.

The mucus method doesn't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases.

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