Lea Contraceptivum or silicone cap

The Lea Contraceptivum is a contraceptive for the woman.

Lea consists of a medical silicone and looks similar as a rubber cup with handle. Lea can take advantage of every woman independently of size and form of the os uteri. Lea is only available in a universal size: it is about 5.5 cm long. It isn't, however, appropriate in the childbed for women or the malformations or inflammations have in the sheath area.

The prophylaxis effect is ensured a barrier therefore Lea Contraceptivum. It covers the os uteri and prevents penetrating from spermiums through this into the womb. By the combination with a means killing spermiums the safety is increased.

There aren't sufficient studies to the Pearl index of Lea yet. The Pearl index between 2 and 7 might the sparkling index lie.

Lea may be removed after the last sexual intercourse 8 hours later at the earliest, shouldn't stay longer than 48 hours in the sheath, however. After the use one simply can clean Lea with a tepid water. A Lea Contraceptivum can be used for six to twelve months. It is available without prescription.


This one inside and outside Lea is smeared onto a spermicidal gel at full term in front of the sexual intercourse. After pressing together it has introduced oneself into the sheath foldedly like a tampon up to the os uteri. By a valve the secretion and the menstruation fluid can drain away, the spermiums, however, cannot penetrate. Loop is drawn to the remove of Lea at this.


Lea doesn't intrude on the cycle, doesn't have influence on the hormone household and the size doesn't have to be adapted. A good alternative for women who don't have sexual intercourse regularly.


The spermicidal gel causes allergic reactions like pruritus with some women. Some feel the foreign body and find it unpleasant. With some women bleeding disturbances or abdominal spasms can appear as concomitants. Men complain that they feel Lea at the sexual intercourse and that this partial one is unpleasant.

Lea can slip lightly, what could lead to a pregnancy. The remove of Lea also can be connected to bleedings with pains, possible. Lea doesn't protect from sexually transmissible diseases.

Mostly, it already points himself out, whether after the first use woman bears the contraceptive physically and spiritually.

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