Intrauterine device

The intrauterine device (IUP) is a mechanical contraceptive for the woman. It is about three to four cm long and can be T or horseshoe-shaped. The intrauterine device consists of synthetic and is often wound round a copper wire. The intrauterine device is put by the os uteri into the uterus of the woman. She hands in copper ions in small quantities here constantly. These impede the movability of the spermiums so that the semens cannot reach the ovum. In addition, the intrauterine device disturbs the construction of the womb mucosa so that a stimulated egg cannot nest.

The intrauterine device can remain between three and five years in the womb.

The Pearl index of the intrauterine device is between 09 and 3.

There also is hormone intrauterine device besides the copper intrauterine device. These hand in hormones instead of copper ions.


The intrauterine device only may be used and removed from it into the uterus of the woman in a gynecological medical treatment of the gynecologist. These two events are often painful. Injuries can arise. This one follows using the intrauterine device, the gynecologist must check the lie of the intrauterine device with ultrasound after the first menstruation. The woman should feel alone the lie of the intrauterine device after the menstruation with the help of the control suture in the following time herself. In addition, a regular control is required at the gynecologist approximately every six months.


The intrauterine device doesn't intrude on the hormone household of the bodies. Woman doesn't have to think of the prophylaxis minimumly and the loveplay isn't interrupted.


Their body repels the intrauterine device at about seven per cent of the women. The women often don't notice this process at all. Because of this it is important to check the control suture regularly. The tolerance already turns out after the first menses after using the intrauterine device. Bacteria can reach the womb by the control suture which inflammations of the womb mucosa or the ovaries can cause. In the worst case these inflammations can lead to the sterility, the intrauterine device is therefore recommended only to women with a completed family planning. The menstruation can be stronger and longer and strong sub-abdominal pains can appear. The intrauterine device doesn't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases.

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