Intrauterine device after

The intrauterine device is not only a mechanical long time contraceptive, it can be used also at emergencies. E.g. an unprotected sexual intercourse or a torn condom belongs to the emergencies.

The intrauterine device prevents that an ovum settles in the womb. The "intrauterine device after" is recommended to the women who would like to prevent with the intrauterine device afterward, too.


The intrauterine device must be used by a gynecologist after the unprotected sexual intercourse within five days.


Their body repels the intrauterine device at about seven per cent of the women. The women often don't notice this process at all, the control suture because of which it is important regularly check. The tolerance already turns out after the first menses after using the intrauterine device. Bacteria can reach the womb by the control suture which inflammations of the womb mucosa or the ovaries can cause. In the worst case these inflammations can lead to the sterility, the intrauterine device is therefore recommended only to women with a completed family planning. The menstruation can be stronger and longer and strong sub-abdominal pains can appear. The intrauterine device doesn't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases.

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