Coitus interruptus

The coituses' coitus interruptus, the sexual intercourse interrupted or is also known as a prophylaxis method in the colloquial speech as "paying" attention, mentioned. This "method" is rather unsafe. He also therefore gets the high Pearl index between 10 and in principle, 30th he cannot be recommended, however, you still practice presumably often.


His penis draws the man from the sheath in front of the ejaculation. At the continuation of the loveplay the man should urinate and wash. Recommends himself for the woman if the ejaculate has reached her sheath same also?


The method is applicable without any preparation everywhere.


The sexual intercourse is interrupted and asks a considerable discipline of the man. Already before the ejaculation fertilization capable semens can leave the penis unnoticedly, reach the ovum and stimulate it into the so-called desire gutta. In addition, it very often is as charging felt, to wait the relieving menstruation therefore the confirmation of the not pregnancy.

This method doesn't protect from sexually transmissible diseases.

Although the method is better but to not prevent at all. However, it is merely suitable for pairs which would accept an arising pregnancy.

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