Cytomegalic (Inclusion body disease)

Cytomegalic (Inclusion body disease) an infection which is caused by the cytomegalic virus (CMV) is. As a rule, an infection with the CMV goes The with healthy people without symptoms. People are primarily kidney transplanted at risk against this with a weakened immune system, for example AIDS sick persons, people with leukemia or organ receptor. For them an infection can get life-threatening. The prolonged gestation is or by but one also can by an organ transplantation be infected already made sexual contact with kisses. The causative agents cannot only be further given into sperm and saliva but also over blood or blood components. An infection in the pregnancy also can cause heavy lesions and even a serious danger of the fetus. The virus spreads across the bloodstream rapidly in the body and reaches the fetus. It can come to deformities of the child particularly in the first and second third of the pregnancy. A miscarriage or a premature delivery isn't rare either. The woman also can infect her child during the birth or when calming. The pregnant woman was infected with the virus already earlier and it comes to a new infection during the pregnancy, as a rule, the reactivated infection doesn't have influence on the development of the fetus.


The infection can be carried out also without symptoms, however, the virus remains lifelong in the body. If it comes to the outbreak at an immunodeficiency, it can get life-threatening. Two to six weeks after the infection it comes to long continuous fever, head and rheumatic pains, the lymph nodes have swollen up. With newborn childs lung inflammation or jaundice can appear.


The causative agents can be proved by tissue specimens.


With healthy people the infection doesn't require any medical treatment. With immune weakened people an antiviral therapy is carried out. If it comes to an additional bacterial infection (for example in the stomach intestine tract), it must be treated with antibiotics. The chances of recovery are dependent on the condition of the immune system. It can come to the rejection of the organ at transplanted. An inflammation of the retina is the consequence deafness in the eye or mental retardation with newborn childs be able to.



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