The 2rd term

In the 2nd term contains the 13th to 28th pregnancy week. It also is described as a 2nd Trimenon.

This pregnancy segment also is called time of the well-being. It is the weeks of the greatest growth of the unborn.

Changes at the nascent mother
The pregnancy gets perceptible for other now, too. The abdomen rounds itself. The weight gain is approximately six kilos until end of the 2nd term. It the nascent mother isn't how much importantly exactly has increased. It is important that the woman feels well and the weight extremely still by leaps and bounds rises in the course of the pregnancy. As pregnant women one could under no circumstances be tyrannized by weight tables.

A stronger pigmentation of the skin appears. It is visible in the face and in the abdomen middle at the pigmented moles. There does a brown line get recognizable, the linea fusca, the midline of our body. First striae gravidarum let themselves be seen, backache and varicose veins can manifest themselves. The placenta becomes enlarged enormously. Among other things your task is the nutrition of the unborn. It also represents a respiration and excretory organ for the child. The unborn is "disposed of" the placenta with oxygen, nutrients and fluid by the placenta provided, childlike waste materials, from its metabolism.

Development of the fetus
As of the 13th week the osseous tissue develops. The ribs get recognizable. The child moves and exercises its muscles which are fetal movements for the mother but still not perceptible. The fetus begins to suck at the thumb and can mouth open and close his. The external sexual organs are formed. In the 14th week the face differentiates itself. The kidneys form urine. With female fetuses the ovaries reach the pelvis area. As of the 15th week the fetus can move the arms and clench to fists. The search and sucking reflex adapt. In the 16th week the child can freely swim in the fetus water. The thin and transparent skin is covered by a woolly down which disappears only shortly before the birth. It can wrinkle the forehead which eyes turn and swallow. As of the 17th week a layer of fat forms at the body surface. Already in the 18th week the retina reacts to light in the eye. In the 19th week the skin forms a protective wax layer. The fetus drinks fetus waters and eliminates urine. As of the 20th week the fetal movements are noticeable. The child develops a sleep and awake rhythm of its own. From the 21st week the sheath is trained with girls, the ovums are partly already available in the ovary. The organ of equilibrium in the internal ear is developed fully. Its environment starts more and more to be aware of the baby, it feels everything with its hands and with the beginning of the 6th month it hears. As of the 22nd week it reacts to murmurs and learns to distinguish different murmur samples of each other. As of the 24th week the baby gains gram per week in approx. 85. The fetus water quantity increases constantly, the fetus has nevertheless less motion room to move due to its size. It is approx. 30 centimeters long. In the 25th week the formation of the sexual organs is completed. A week later the child can open and close the eyes. The development of the lungs isn't completed yet. If it came onto the world now, it still couldn't breathe independently. In the 27th and 28th weeks the child weighs approximately a third of the valued birth weight. It takes protection substances (antibodies) against diseases the mother has gone through sometimes. The milk teeth have formed under the gums. If the baby is born now, it can already survive as a premature delivery.

Important in this period of time
Until the 17th week the 14th becomes women, the over 34 years in the time period of as are, an amniocentesis suggested. Genetically conditional illnesses are stated with that.

One can get an appointment for a birth preparation course with the beginning of the 2nd term also very well. Maternity hospitals often offer directly such a course.

It is also the right time for a visit at the midwife. It can look after you in the pregnancy, at the birth and at the time after.

If you want to go away, then the second trimenon is the best time for this. However, your attending doctor shouldn't have any objections. In the 19th to 22nd week a second ultrasound scan is scheduled.

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