Rhesus incompatibility

The rhesus factor besides the four main blood groups are, B, and still 0 exists as of. Approximately 85% of the population of Central Europe have this feature. These people are described as rhesus positive (Rh+). 15% don't show the rhesus factor. You get rhesus negative called (RH-).

The immune system of Rh negative people forms antibodies if it comes with a Rh positive blood into touch. The antibody formation isn't or during a pregnancy carried out compatible blood after a blood transfusion. There isn't a danger for the unborn one, if the mother is rhesus positive. An antibody formation ceases. The pregnant woman is, however, rhesus negative and a child of a rhesus positive man expects, this can lead to complications.

If the child of the father has inherited the rhesus positive feature, then the woman forms antibodies against the blood cells of the child which carry this feature. The antibodies dissolve the red blood corpuscles (erythrocytes) of the child (hemolysis). The number of erythrocytes is reduced. This can trigger a hypoxia at the unborn one. The clinical picture with the symptoms anemia, jaundice, edema tendency, liver and spleen tumescence and at heavy courses brain damages resulting from it is described as a morbus haemolyticus. Without a medical medical treatment (phototherapy, exchange transfusion) about 10% of the children would die.

The first pregnancy usually goes without incidents and the child is born healthily. Problems appear only as of the second pregnancy since the mother then has already formed antibodies. The antibody formation can already be triggered by a miscarriage gone ahead, a tubal pregnancy, a chorionicbiopsy or a fetus water puncture. At first the antibody formation ceases at the first pregnancy since the exchange of red blood corpuscles is too low about the placenta to trigger the formation of antibodies at the mother. At the birth of the child a sufficiently large crowd can, however, to childlike blood flow into the maternal blood circulation and cause the antibody formation from the placenta.

An effective prophylaxis is possible today. At the first pregnancy check-up becomes the blood group and the rhesus factor determines. In addition, you examine, whether antibodies have formed in the blood of the mother against blood group antigens. A negative antibody screening procedure is the normal case. This examination is written down in the mother passport. With rhesus negative women you test on anti D antibodies during the pregnancy repeatedly. To prevent the formation of antibodies, an injection is given to the women with rhesus antiserum (anti D immunoglobulin) already toward the end of the pregnancy (28th to 32nd week). After the birth of a rhesus positive child the women get another syringe to destroy the one washed childlike erythrocytes. The antibody formation in the mother then ceases. Complications at another pregnancy then don't have to be expected

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