Nutrition in the pregnancy

A pregnant woman "must the opinion eat for two", this means the double amount of food takes, is a heretical belief. The energetic greater need of a pregnant woman actually amounts to merely 255 kcal per day. A daily energy requirement from about 2300 to 2400 kcal per day is started out from with a normal heavy young woman who doesn't follow extreme physical activity. The 255 kcal more are only a rise of the daily energy requirement by almost 11%.

Opposite this a greater need for single nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, increased up to 100% stands, however. Not the amount of the food is so decisively but the right one food choice. With a varied, full and mixed food the right diet is often already guaranteed. A coverage gap can arise at single nutrients, like the folic acid, the iron or at iodine. Medicine which is in addition recommended or prescribed then should be taken by the attending doctor.

The need gets itemized food components as follows to the single one:

Protein requirement
The proteins are the most important constituents for the human cells and component of enzymes and hormones. Egg-white is therefore needed for the growing organism of the child in increased measure. The daily protein requirement increases by around 20% from around 50 grams to 60 grams as of the 4th month. On the menu of the nascent mother egg-white suppliers of a vegetable and animal origin should find themselves. High-quality vegetable protein is found primarily in cereal products, unpeeled rice, pulses, vegetables, potatoes and nuts. Milk and dairy products, lean meat and low-fat fish as well as eggs, deliver animal protein.

Fat requirementses
Greases are primarily energy suppliers. To avoid unnecessary paddings, you should restrict your fat requirementses to 70-90 grams of grease per day. Pay special attention to the many hidden greases into sausage, French fries, fat cheese, cream, mayonnaise, cake, chocolate, chips and even avocados.

It also depends on the right choice of the greases. An important point is the composition of its fatty acids. Some nonsaturated fatty acids are essential (essential) for us and must be taken over the food. Essential fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K also are in a fatty food. Boiling oils like olives, sunflowers, rape, shoot, or wheatgerm oil should alternately be used. Hard vegetable fats, like coconut and palm nuclear grease, are suited less well. So-called omega 3 fatty acids which are needed for the development of the childlike nervous system, the retina and the brain particularly deliver salt-water fish (salmon, mackerel and herring).

Here still reconciles advice as you handle grease thriftily:
  • You save grease by low-fat preparation methods (roman pot, coated pan, frying foils, grill)
  • Buy low-fat milk and dairy products (yoghurt and cheese).
  • Cut the grease edge of meat and ham off.
  • Don't eat the skin of chickens, goose and duck, unless you have one stung you during the preparation repeatedly so that the grease here phasedown could.
  • Avoid breaded. The panade sucks itself full of grease (fish finger!)
  • Don't consume avocados and nuts in larger quantities.
  • Buy a low-fat sausage.
Carbohydrate need
Carbohydrates are easily digestible and be able to deliver fastest in energy for muscle work. We should more than half (around 350 grams) of our energy requirement cover with very molecular carbohydrates. It changes into grease the body doesn't consume what at carbohydrates. A too big photo of carbohydrates is unhealthy and makes thick. Whole grain products, potatoes, pulses, vegetables and fruit are a valuable food containing carbohydrate. In addition, you still contain vitamins, minerals and roughages. The roughages counteract a blockage, taken with sufficient liquid. Avoid in any case so-called "empty" carbohydrate straps like sugar, white flour, cake and confectionery. You supply only excessively many calories but accompanying substances no important.

Vitamin, mineral and trace element need
Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are vitally necessary for the healthy preservation and must be supplied during the pregnancy and the quiet time in increased measure over the food. It is important to pay attention to a versatile mixed food. Because no single food contains all required constituents and this in the right composition at the same time, too. The following food should regularly stand on the menu of the pregnant woman: Whole grain products, potatoes, pulses, vegetables, fruit, salad, milk products, low-fat poultry and meat, fish, soya and yeast.

There is an increased need primarily at the vitamins A, C, B1, B6 and the folic acid. The mineral and trace element need for iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium and zinc is increased.

1. Vitamin A
Vitamin are and its preliminary stage beta carotin is primarily contained in the liver, egg yolk, herring, milk, carrots, apricots, red and yellow peppers as well as melons. However, the consumption of liver should cease in the pregnancy. By the animal feeding too high vitamin A concentrations in the liver was stated. An over-dosage of vitamin A can primarily lead to being missing formations in the early pregnancy with the child. There is the increased need only as of the 4th month (increase from 0.8 milligrams of vitamin A or retinol equivalents to 1.1 milligrams per day).

2. Vitamin. C
The increased daily need for vitamin C can be met by the vitamin C empires food like peppers, broccoli, black currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, and potatoes. Der Bedarf steigt während der Schwangerschaft im Vergleich zu sonst von 100 auf 110 Milligramm pro Tag an.

3. B-Vitamine (B1 und B6)
The average day set of the vitamin B1 (Thiamin) is 1 milligram milligram with women, with pregnant women 1.2 . pork, cereals, wholemeal bread, yeast and nuts are vitamin B1 rich. Good suppliers for the vitamin B6 are meat, yeast, milk, cheese, whole grain products and bananasA need of 1.9 milligrams consists in the pregnancy . at this vitamin, otherwise of 1.2 milligrams daily.

4. Folic acid
The sufficient supply with folic acid before the pregnancy and within the first three months of the pregnancy is discussed in detail in the chapter "preparation on the pregnancy" in the section "folic acid". It is the only vitamin at which a taking is recommended in tablet form at planned pregnancy and within the first three pregnancy months since the need increased strongly cannot be met by a specific eating.

5. Iron
Iron is important to the hemoglobin of the red blood corpuscles and with that to the oxygen transport. The need for iron doubles at a pregnancy (15 milligrams with a not pregnant woman on 30 milligrams during the pregnancy). A not sufficient supply at this mineral leads to the so-called pregnancy anemia. The iron values are checked during the preventive medical checkups constantly and been noted down in the mother passport. If the tense iron need doesn't have covered brown rice, corn and legumes for itself by a specific consumption of food, like meat, fish and poultry as well as whole grain grain, iron preparations are ordered.

6. Calcium
The childlike organism needs calcium for the construction of its bones and the teeth primarily. A minimum need of 1000 milligrams per day even passes 1200 milligrams for the nascent mother with pregnant women who are younger than 19 years. The consumption of at least half a liter of milk and dairy products (yoghurt, low-fat curd cheese, sour milk) ensures B2 the supply with calcium and vitamin . no milk stands you or an aversion insists the missing calcium can become substituiert by medicines against this food.

7. Iodine
The body needs iodine for the formation of the thyroid hormones which have essential functions in the body primarily. The thyroid of the embryo starts as of the 3rd pregnancy month to work. The iodine need of the nascent mother is increased by it. The iodine need rises from 200 µ g on 220 µ g in the pregnancy. Iodine deficiency can lead to a goiter with the newborn child or draw even cretinism (mental retardation) after itself. To meet the iodine requirements, the use of an iodized dish salt and frequent consumption of salt-water fish have to be recommended. For the guarantee of the increased need for iodine in the pregnancy the treating physicians often recommend the taking of iodine tablets.

8. Magnesium
Among other things the mineral magnesium is involved in the endogenous protein synthesis and the cell division. Magnesium also has influence on the control of the muscle activity. As an average daily dose 350 milligrams are recommended. Magnesium empires food are whole grain products, milk and dairy product, poultry, fish potatoes, soft fruit, oranges and bananas. It comes lightly to a lack of this mineral in the pregnancy. Many pregnant women don't take the recommended daily dose at all. The increased magnesium need of the child and the magnesium excretion increased is added for the mother (by up to 25%) in the pregnancy. An insufficient supply with magnesium can have serious consequences. It is frequent to watch a "muscular hyperexcitability". First symptoms for it are calf cramps, for example. These muscular disturbances also can include the womb musculature. A premature labor activity and with that the risk of an am missing and premature delivery can be the consequence. These watched pregnancy troubles like cardiac dysrhythmias ("extrasystole") and let emesis gravidarum explain itself partial with an insufficient supply with magnesium sometimes, too. Even if no typical magnesium deficiency symptoms appear yet, an additional intake of magnesium is recommended at the latest as of the 16th pregnancy week. It is special to recommend it to women with diabetes or pregnant women which already had an am missing or premature delivery.

9. Zinc
The need for the essential trace element zinc is increased in the pregnancy (increase from 7 milligrams to 10 milligrams per day). Zinc is for example a component of the hormone insulin. The childlike pancreas starts with the production of insulin already at the end of the 1st term. Zinc is contained in meat, fish and milk.

rest important aspects

Drinking sufficiently
Pregnant women should drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters minimumly. Mineral water, fetuses and herb teas as well as fetus and vegetable juices should as a matter of priority be consumed, lemonades and Coke only for once. Coffee and black tea should be drunk (maximal 1 -2 cups minimum) only in measures. Alcohol is forbidden absolutely. Already low alcohol consumption in the pregnancy can lead to brain achievement disturbances and mental retardations of the child.

Several little meals
The distribution of the minimum amount of eating on several little meals protects the pregnant woman from hyperorexia attacks. In addition, a uniform nutrient supply is ensured by many small portions for mother and child. Heartburn so also can primarily be prevented to the pregnancy within the last three months.

Avoiding foods and pleasure substances more certainly
Smoking harms the unborn provably. Any smoked cigarette smokes it. Nicotine makes the blood vessels narrower and hinders the oxygen transport so. Babies of strong smokers have a lower birth weight and a higher mortality rate than these of non-smokers. The cigarette withdrawal should be completed four weeks in front of the birth at the latest. The nascent mother doesn't create this, the newborn child goes through it after the delivery and probably will be irritated and restless that way.

They should do without raw meat on raw milk, raw eggs and smoked salmon, to the avoidance of the toxoplasmosis and the listeriosis.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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