
Infectious diseases and pregnancy

Infectious diseases which mean illness generally healing a harmless and without consequences with the healthy man can for the unborn represent, gone in the pregnancy, a serious danger. The child can carry heavy malformations away or even the death of the embryo can be the consequence. Some illnesses develop the greatest damage on the unborn one if the mother is infected within the first three months of the pregnancy (rubellas, toxoplasmosis). The other infections want to the child transfer and to serious permanent damages and even which be able to do, not treated, only during the birth process or shortly after the birth open death newborn childs lead (herpes, listeriosis, gonorrhoe). Every infectious disease in the pregnancy should be taken seriously. The treating physician must be informed immediately at contact of the pregnant woman with sick persons and at the first disease symptoms. If the pregnant woman immediately goes to the physician after the first contact with certain infectious diseases, the outbreak of the disease can be delayed, the disease symptoms soothed or the infection even stopped (rubellas, chickenpoxes, veins), by gift of immunoglobulins. It makes most sense, however, to have anybody vaccinate itself at a planned pregnancy already three months before the pregnancy beginning. Also very simple behavior measures often help avoid infections (toxoplasmosis, listeriosis), however.

Pregnancy and vaccinations

It has to be checked absolutely, whether one sufficing vaccinal immune protection has chickenpoxes, veins and mumps for "childhood diseases", like rubellas, before one gets pregnant. If the titers aren't high enough, the diseases in question must be vaccinated against.

A vaccination represents a kind of training for the immune system. The pathogens contained in the vaccine lead to the formation of antibodies. By this immune reaction on the causative agent the immune system remembers the specific shoot at the next contact and fights it very effectively. It doesn't come to the renewed outbreak of the disease. One distinguishes three groups of vaccines: Live vaccines (sera from living causative agents), dead man vaccines (parts of killed shoots) and toxoid vaccines (containedly inactivated toxic substances of the causative agents). A vaccination isn't shown with live vaccines in the pregnancy since it can lead to a permanent damage done to the fetus. These vaccines can happen to the placentas and infect the newborn child so. Vaccinations with live vaccines like rubellas, veins, mumps, chickenpoxes and tuberculosis therefore should carried out be with women in the childbearing age only under a strict prophylaxis protection. After the vaccination a pregnancy must be excluded for three months.

Dead man vaccines and toxoid vaccines apply to quite safe also in the pregnancy. A vaccination should be nevertheless weighed up only in the second third of the pregnancy carried out and individual risk and use. One also talks about an active immunization at a vaccination. The immune system forms actively antibodies against the infectious shoot. There also is the possibility of the passive immunization. Antibodies which have formed other people or animals against the causative agent are injected at it.

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