High-risk delivery

A high-risk delivery is every birth with symptoms which point to endangering the child and/or the mother increasely. In the pregnancy as well as so-called high-risk pregnancies means a risk for some illnesses and complications at the birth also?

Being included:
  • the gestosis,
  • the diabetes and pregnancy diabetes,
  • On-due dates of the womb and the placenta
  • increased or reduced fetus water quantity
  • Twin and multiple births,
  • Presentations, like breech presentation or transverse lie, so-called abnormal lies,
  • this is said a birth after the appointment if the child was transferred.
Other factors can arrive also after an uncomplicated pregnancy course at the birth.

Are part of it, for example:
  • Fever,
  • premature bladder jump,
  • Bleedings,
  • Cord complications like the cord prolapse,
  • striking heart rate specimens during the labors,
  • long birth course (longer than 16 hours).
Premature deliveries, operative births, complications in the childbed or damages done to a brothers and sisters child, these with the birth are connected, require increased attention also experiences from previous pregnancies and births as. If there are risk factors, a delivery is recommendable in the clinic since an intensive monitoring of mother and child is ensured here. Risk factors mean in no case that complications must appear.

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