
A danger often underestimated is the infection in the pregnancy with chickenpoxes. About 95 per cent of the adults are immune to this virus illness. The illness by viruses (Varicellen) is caused. The prolonged gestation is made by droplet infection but also by the air. Most people have gone through this infection already in the childhood. Should let women nevertheless test themselves with child wish, whether they have sufficient antibodies a (simple blood test). Be valid again also here: A vaccination, at least three months from the pregnancy, is advisable so that the unborn isn't damaged. There was contact to chickenpoxes patients and the pregnant woman doesn't have any antibodies, there is the possibility of a passive immunization with immunoglobulins. This protection is only effective, though, when the immunoglobulins are given at the latest 96 hours after the infection.

The contact with people fallen ill with chicken-pox should generally be avoided. A renewed infection is possible for the pregnant woman also after an illness already gone, for example in the childhood. With the child brain lesions, hyposomia and scarred changes can appear through this, for example.

Results of a chickenpoxes infection gone for the first time within the first six months of a pregnancy can be: Hypoplasia of the extremitieses, low birth weight, eye defect, cerebral atrophy, early death. A particularly sensible phase is the time period between the 13-20th pregnancy week.

If the mother falls ill in the time of the birth appointment, serious danger is for the child. It isn't its immune system still to fight against the heavy infection ripely and hasn't got any protective antibodies of its mother. The so-called "nest protection" is missing.

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