Tubal pregnancy

Pregnancies which establish themselves outside the womb are extrauterine (of which Latin "extra" = outside, "uterus" = womb), abbreviated for EU, called. Approximately one establishes himself of 150 pregnancies outside the uterus. The stimulated ovum usually settles in the womb. However, it can establish itself also in the oviducts (tubas), the ovaries, the cervix and the abdominal cavity. 99% of the extrauterine pregnancies are tubal pregnancies. The repetition risk is 10%. This value is quite high. The mortality makes up approximately an alcohol level (0.1%). Recognition at full term and specialistic treatment of the tubal pregnancy are important.

Causes of a tubal pregnancy

The most frequent reason for a tubal pregnancy is a delayed or prevented egg passage in the oviduct. Tubal pregnancies in large numbers appear!after abortions and spontaneous abortions as well as after infections (intrauterine device bearers). One records a rise of the extrauterine pregnancies also at hormonal sterility medical treatments.

Oviduct rip

A life-threatening complication of a tubal pregnancy is the oviduct rip. The shoot developing extends the oviduct, breaks to the oviduct wall (tubal rupture). It can come to life-threatening bleedings into the free abdominal cavity. It is possible for inside short time that a life-threatening shock symptomatic builds up.

Symptoms of a tubal pregnancy

A tubal pregnancy can already be dangerous at a time on which the pregnant woman often still suspects nothing at all of your pregnancy. It is therefore important to recognize the symptoms of a tubal pregnancy and to interpret correctly. The symptoms are:
  • Menses failing to appear. This is often interpreted by the women as normal irregularity.
  • Spottings which adapt after non-appearance of the rule six to eight weeks.
  • Pains in the hypogastrium. Depending on place the nest the stimulated ovum be the pains perceived miscellaneously. The pains can appear intensively, suddenly and unilaterally but increase also slowly for example as a dull feeling of pressure or "ache" in the abdomen.
  • The women show classic shock symptoms. You are pale, feeble with a terrific pulse and perhaps suffer from nausea and vomiting.
  • The abdomen is tense and touch and sensitive to pain.
  • The labor like abdominal pains can be accompanied by weakness conditions, faint attacks, pains in the upper abdomen and backache.
The pregnant woman must immediately go to a physician or a hospital at these symptoms.

Early diagnosis of a tubal pregnancy

A tubal pregnancy should be recognized already at the first check-up. A pregnancy test, a gynecological examination and an ultrasound is always carried out at this examination. A clear diagnosis can be made from these three examinations. There is an extrauterine pregnancy at positive pregnancy test and missing embryo in the womb.

Treatment of a tubal pregnancy

If the woman is delivered emergency in moderation to a clinic with a burst being urgent leader it is tried then in an immediate operation to get the oviduct concerned. Otherwise it must be removed. If the tubal pregnancy was recognized in front of the ruptur, tempted, this one are faultily nested ovum, often in the context of a laparoscopy, to remove. Whether the oviduct remains unchanged depends on the general condition of the woman, the species of the oviduct change and on the further child wish of the woman.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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