Birth methods

Spontaneous delivery
Mother and child are let the birth's time at the natural birth for the individual expiry. During the often long continual opening phase the opportunity is given the mother to move as freely as possible and to rest according to her need completely. A number of devices, such as a giving birth rope, warm baths or balls, birth making easier is offered to her. The confidante who takes the woman to the birth can do her by massages and understanding support words of encouragement. The nascent mother may choose the birth position freely in the kard ejection phase. Nowadays upright birth positions are often favored. The weight of the baby, the fetus water and the womb helping to open the os uteri. The labors are often more effective and push the baby more rapidly first. In the standing, seats, knees or squatting positions the nascent mother often has more strength to press and does good a light air. The oxygen care of the child is so also better. It also is tried at a spontaneous delivery to use medicines as few as possible. By the corresponding breathing technique has the giving birth the possibility, the painful labors to way breathing. In a birth preparation course this technique is practiced again and again. A nice midwife likes to instruct you under the birth once, too. Relaxation techniques help the giving birth to summon up power between the labors at the time again.

Gentle delivery
The concepts natural and "gentle delivery" be often mentioned simultaneously so as if they were interchangeable. However, you have nothing in common. How is temptedly mentioned above the birth to let a natural expiry? It primarily is all about at the gentle birth how you spend in travelling with the child after the birth. Nowadays if the baby doesn't immediately need a medical help, the baby is handled "gently" in almost all clinical complexes. The birth room is particularly warm, in warm reddish sounds held and the light muffled. The baby gets the mother first on the abdomen put. The cord at once not cut. After a warm bath the baby can be breastfed at once. The newborn child remains the mother after the birth in the room and is breastfed as required. A firm silent rhythm isn't fixed.

Water birth
The nascent mother is in constantly warm water (34 º C to 36 º C) during the birth. The child was born under water. The child breathes only when it comes in contact with the colder outer air. The birth event isn't fundamentally "ashore" different from a birth. The omphalotomy happens usually like in the maternity hospital. An episiotomy can be carried out also at a water birth. About ten minutes after the birth the mother takes a shower and goes to a bed. The afterbirth is waited for outside the water. An episiotomy broke or-you provide then. An advantage of a sub-water birth is mainly looked into it that the pregnant woman of few analgesics needs because she eases in the warm water better. The episiotomy rate and the number of perineal lacerations shall be lower. When disadvantage seen for mother and child as well as for the obstetricians becoming an allegedly higher infection rate. In addition, the loss of blood cannot be assessed so well during the birth. Distance should be taken by a sub-water birth if there is a good chance for a difficult birth. Multiple and premature deliveries are examples of it. Infections of the mother also speak with acute herpes, hepatitis and HIV against this delivery shape. If a peridural anesthesia is given to the pain relief, this birth method is counter-indicated.

Induced birth
The labors are triggered by gift of artificial hormones at an induced birth. Only at a medical necessity a birth is induced artificially nowadays.

Reasons for it are:
  • Still the amniotic sac has jumped and the labor activity ceases after a certain time, too.
  • The birth appointment is exceeded by 14 days without labors starting. There is the danger of a deficiency care of the child.
  • Is the unborn due to a disturbance the placenta function at risk. For example the case can this be diabetes at a gestosis or one.
If the os uteri isn't soft and open at the time of the birth induction yet, the cervical ripe one is caused by prostaglandins. Prostaglandine sind körpereigene hormonähnliche Substanzen mit vielfältigen Wirkungen. You were discovered in the sperm. One wrongly thought they would be formed in the prostate. One named them after their putative education place. Prostaglandins are used in the obstetrics since they activate the womb musculature to contract. A physician inserts a suppository containing prostaglandin, a gel or a tablet at the birth induction into the sheath or directly into the cervix canal. A drip is in addition still laid out os uteri opened lightly at already with an oxytocin produced artificially. The hormone is formed naturally in the hypothalamus. It seems labor triggering, this means the smooth musculature of the womb contracts itself. The labors triggered artificially are fundamentally more intensive and come in shorter intervals than the natural ones. The possibility of adapting oneself to the pain gradually doesn't have the giving birth. To make the pains endurably, a peridural anesthesia is frequently given.

Cesarean section on request
One, cesarean section describes the birth of a child by cesarean section on request without there being a specific indication for this operation. This topic is always frequent object of the discussions in experts. Public is stoutly this birth method into the consciousness since some prominent women have chosen this birth method the broad.

The supporters of this method give the following arguments, for example:
  • The operation is plan cash.
  • The fear of excessive pains can be taken.
  • Birth traumas of the mother due to previous births can met be.
  • The operation represents a risk reduction for the child, for example at brain damages by hypoxia.
  • Damages done to the pelvic floor tore, as episiotomy and-not appear. Disturbances at the sexual intercourse fail to appear. The critics of this birth method emphasize the following points:
  • The mortality of the woman at an emperor cesarean section lies more highly than at a vaginal delivery.
  • The troubles after a cesarean section are considerably bigger.
  • Long time problems also can appear at a cesarean section, for example adhesions in the abdominal cavity. A bulging scar can stay behind if the woman tends to the scar formation. It also more frequently happens at another pregnancy, that the ovum settles in the womb more deeply and the placenta lie in front of the opening of the womb comes. Another cesarean section is then inevitable. The danger of a womb rip is increased lightly.
  • The main argument for a spontaneous delivery is experiencing emotionally. Euphoric feelings cause the secretion of the hormone oxytocin and the endorphins. Many women describe the birth as the most overwhelming experience of their life.
How far this birth method will further gain acceptance, it remains to wait. A statistical recording doesn't give it yet as many women have already given birth by cesarean section in Germany on request.

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