Cause operations

An operation is also a species of injury. This hasn't arisen from an unintentional trauma but often doesn't have to be avoided due to the operation method. It doesn't have to be avoided at a radical prostatectomy (remove), that the prostate nerve structures are hurt and it comes to an erectile dysfunction (impotence). 30-100 % of the patients suffer from this disturbance. The heaviness degree depends purely on the extent of the destroyed structures. The operation method "nerve economizing" gives the complications impotence (in case of a complete resection of the prostate) this one and it could incontinence be reduced considerably. A very high risk is to the OP nevertheless suffering from an erectile dysfunction.

Was already discussed like under the link title injuries, an erectile dysfunction can arise at every injury in the pelvis area. However, this injury often requires a surgical operative proceed so that it can come to further injuries of the vessel and nerve structures also through this.

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