Cause injuries

A spinal cord injury, penis injury, beat on the perineum, pelvic fracture, vessel injury, nerve injury being able to lead to a disturbance of the sexual function. Injured vessels or nerves lead to a disturbed supply for the penis corpus cavernosums and therefore to an erection disturbed or lifted completely. Nerve lesions can be temporary or definite, depending on whether the nerve destroyed completely or only partly destroyed is.

At an intervertebral disk prolapse it can to a from the point of view of time restricted lesion do the nerves come and an impotence arise. As a rule, this damage is reversible after remedying of the cause (e.g. operation or spontaneous recovery).

It often comes to injuries of the pubic bone or to pelvic fractures at traumatized patients. It often comes to distinctive hematomas by vessel injury or also to nerve avulsions. These often in turn endangering the potency or preventing completely on important nerves and vessel structures push the hematomas that again it comes to an erection.

A prognosis doesn't have to be put by injury possibly at impotence (erectile dysfunction) since the possible injury powers cannot be discussed here at all.

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