Causes hormones

Testosterone is well one of the best known hormones. The complete capabilities of the man is influenced. (Libido, potency, muscles, fat masses, activity aggressivity). Alcohol, nicotine and the stress are the opponents of the testosterone. A simple way to increase the testosterone mirror is the motion dependent reduction of the fatty tissue. By reduction of approx. 5 kg of fat the testosterone value increases by up to 35% automatically. However, the sports must be done as a perseverance sports since otherwise it comes onto the initial values to a waste again. General factors like stress, alcohol and nicotine reduce the testosterone partly considerably.

Testosterone provides
- potency and libido (sexual desire)
- improved performance and aggressivity
- muscle construction
- Fat dissimilation increases the testosterone
- Nicotine, alcohol and stress impede the testosterone

It is actually therefore self-explanatory why the hormone testosterone is important to the potency. Durch Umstellung der Lebensweise ist eine deutliche Beeinflussung möglich.

DHEA - the energyhormone Dihydroepiandrosteron ( DHEA ) - the male achievement hormone! One of the most important functions consists in slowing down the cortisol production. Cortisol can raise the sugar and insulin mirror very strongly and has a flagging effect on bones, muscles and skin. If so DHEA is produced enough, cortisol is in turn limited and the bone and muscle dissimilation limited with that. DHEA is also responsibly for the improvement in memory achievement, fat dissimilation, heart circulation, infection defense therefore simple the energy hormone of the body.

lower stress hormones
provide energy
improve memory achievements
reduce the arteriosclerosis risk
support the immune system

It is the anti aging hormone with safety of one of the best known hormones that melatonin was also very inflamed by the press in the last few years. The biological watch of the man regulates it and one is the strongest antioxidans. The "bad" LDL cholesterol also lowers melatonin and the immune system strengthens. Disturbances of this hormone lead to the adjustment of the internal watch and to stress, sleeplessnesses etc. one should not simply take out of a fashion appearance melatonin but only according to consultation with that, however, with a physician.

Antidote to risk factors
the biological watch regulates
sleep beneficial
slow the ageing process down
reduce the cancer growth

The super hormone of the new century HGH is a so-called growth hormone HGH. It was effect which is into studies one fat reducing and muscle building up proved. The HGH mirror falls continuously at increasing old one. An endogenous production can be increased by the taking of arginine and lysin. z (. B in legumes)

reduce arteriosclerosis risk
Muscle building up and fat dismantling
Improvement in the memory achievement
Skin tightening
Impeding bone dissimilation
Strengthening immune system

Estrogen is a typical female hormone and very important for the male potency. It is formedly and specially in the testicle and in the adrenal cortex also in the fatty tissue. Of course this means the more weight the more estrogen. The myocardial infarction risk protects it from osteoporosis and lowers. This hormone also should be available in a balanced metabolism lie. In principle, only an absolute deficiency should be compensated for of course. Estrogen should always be available in proportion to the DHEA and testosterone.

promote fertility and potency
reduce the myocardial infarction risk
offer protection against bone dissimilation and brain achievement weakness
provide internal balance
soothe the male climacterics

It is coming added to that now still aggravating that the hormone household permanently changes with the old development. Smallest disturbances can lead to an erectile dysfunction. Only one in this field one can measure the hormone state in the blood and perhaps missing hormones replaced or the like the indication and dose finding by tablets should experienced physician be entrusted.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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