Diagnosis examination

After the anamnesis (interview of the patient) the physical examination follows as the next step. Penis, testicles, scrotum, epididymises, spermatic cord and prostate particularly are examined for on-due dates.

By an ultrasound scan (Penisdopplersonography) one can the blood and blood out current measure. Statements concerning the composition of the vessels are possible with that. Frequently false findings are possible if the patient is greatly afraid of the examination. A relaxation and calmness of the patient in front of the examination is very important.

The nightly erection also can be measured. Of course this has sensibly to be carried out best in a clinic lined up for it. With apparatuses the nightly erection behavior of the penis can be measured.

There also is the contrast medium examination at which the corpus cavernosums are examined. This examination can be painfully and also isn't harmless.

A simple self examination is the stamp test. One takes one away from stamps in row and winds with that round the penis. It comes to a nightly erection to perforate the stamps and one can assume that with a high probability the impotence consists of psychic reasons if.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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