Laboratory tests / Apparatus diagnostics

About different laboratory tests of blood and urine one is able to diagnose or to exclude different secondary hypertension shapes by looking for the concrete trigger. Being part of it
  • Urine state with test on micro albumins. Creatininclearance (bei V.a. Niereninsuffizienz)
  • Serum electrolyte ("blood salt") > Conn syndrome, renal artery stenosis
  • Screening of further risk factors for an early arteriosclerosis: Blood sugar, cholesterol, Triglyceride etc.)
  • 24 hour collecting urine on catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) > pheochromocytoma
  • Dexamethason short test at primarily Cushing-> syndrome
  • Thyroid gland diagnostics with SD values (TSH, FT3, FT4)
Hightech medicine gives up and further information on illnesses possibly being causatively:
  • ECG (sign of the heart load/hypertensive heart condition?)
  • Roentgen of thorax (heart widening, pulmonary congestion?)
  • Echocardiography (on the left heart enlargement expectoration achievement?)
  • Doublesonography or Angiography of the kidney vessels (renal artery stenosis, adrenal tumor?)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging skull to the exclusion of a neurogenous cause of the hypertonus by a neurovascular compression of the ventrolateralen medulla.
  • Screening examination for sleep apnea (snoring with "breath gremlins" at night)
  • Thyroid gland diagnostics with ultrasound and thyroidscintigraphy

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

Diese Informationen dürfen auf keinen Fall als Ersatz für ärztliche Beratung angesehen werden. Der Inhalt von kann und darf auf keinen Fall verwendet werden, um eigenständig Diagnosen zu stellen oder Selbstbehandlung durchzuführen.

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