Sugarcrackle diet

This diet is based himself also on the theory like the metabolism diet, that certain carbohydrates drive the insulin mirror into the height. The insulin is the most important hormone of the nutrition metabolism and provides the cells with fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The authors hold this diet sugar for toxic because it is responsible for the insulin secretion. Increased insulin values contribute that the blood fats like cholesterol and triglyceride increase into the height and prevent the fat dissimilation through this. The glycemic index of different nutrients is decisive also at this diet as in the case of the Montignac method. Foods with a low glycemic index like vegetables, fruit and whole grain products may be consumed absolutely, on the other hand, carrots, corn, potatoes, sugar, drinks and white flour products containing sugar are forbidden. Five meals are recommended minimumly one, however, must remain sober as of 8 p.m. to accomplish the desired objective.

However, this theory is controversial, it wouldn't be right to claim that carbohydrates only are responsible for increasing. Not making fats thick? Can Maren lose weight without sports? What is with Jojo effect? In the long run this diet cannot be recommended since without sports and nutrition rearrangement the Jojo effect is automatic.

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