Markert diet

During the Markert diet get minimum up to 3 liters of vegetable soup prepared and a special egg-white preparation (Almased) compositely consumes.

The diet is started with with a two-week diet and an intensive training. It leads to a rise of the thyroid hormone production (T3) and the basal metabolic rate of the human body. The hunger is suppressed because of the metabolism rearrangement and the fat dissimilation accelerates. However, a durable weight reduction only takes place when furthermore one pays attention to the nutrition rules after the completion of the diet and much does sports, otherwise the danger of the Jojo effect is too big.

Vitamins, however, this diet is very unilateral, the body is provided with egg-white sufficiently, on the other hand, however, gets far too few minerals, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and essential. Except for it eats only out of vegetable soups two for weeks, the appetite can ruin very rapidly.

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