Kensington diet

The Kensington diet is based himself on the principle of separating diet. Stephen Twigg, the inventor of this diet assumes also from the assumption that carbohydrates and proteins may not be consumed together, otherwise an acidity of the organism appears.

In this case the stomach is not able to digest carbohydrates and proteins simultaneously any more. Five, however, everything isn't yet, day gets expanded this diet with a so-called rota system, i.e. some foods like meat, fish, grain and dairy products, nuts, etc. may only once within eaten be. You contain however essential minerals and vitamins, that one of the human bodies needs minimumly and not only within every five days. Impressing does the rules permanently repeated good little messages by our subconsciousness.

One decreases, the nutrition rearrangement is partly given, the Kensington diet also recommends us the sports but the rules are much too complicatedly and therefore difficult to practice in the everyday life.

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