Dr. Haas achievement diet

The Dr. Haas-Diät is based on a carbohydrate and roughage rich nutrition. Fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains and lean dairy products are permitted opposite meat and fish. However, Dr. Haas doesn't only look at the success diet-hold much, but to motion and sports.

This diet is subdivided into three parts. Before one starts one must you make to most barely. At the beginning there is a very strict choice of foods, everything loosens himself later. The minimum calorie supply is between 1000-1200 calories. Since it is very little iron, calcium and different vitamins like e.g. vitamin B12 it can come to deficiency symptoms by a longer application, the body gets too little iodine . isn't the third step as strictly as the first two steps. The roughages have a thoroughly filling effect, one removes rapidly through this that.

The Dr. Haas achievement diet isn't, pregnant women and old people suitable for fallen ill chronically.

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