Fold medical treatment

Folds are a natural concomitant of the ageing process. However, one/woman doesn't have certainly to accept it. The possibility also passes these next to many creams decreasing surgically. One cannot obtain good results only with a facelift but already with laser medical treatments. Both methods are frequently used compositely. Since only the upper skin layers are treated at a laser therapy, the result isn't so durable as in the case of a facelift either. It is, however, the advantage of the laser medical treatment that no cut scars stay behind here.

The superficial skin layers are taken down with a gentle laser light in the laser therapy. The tissue water takes the laser light and vaporizes with that. The skin cells simultaneously are activated for the regeneration. Two laser types which are used for the fold medical treatment exist: The CO2 and the erbium YAG laser. With the CO2 laser even deeper folds can be treated. The medical treatment lasts for about 20 to 60 minutes depending on circumference.

The operation is carried out ambulatorily in a local anesthesia. Unpleasant concomitants of a medical treatment are similarly red places of the skin stopping for weeks like after a sunburn. First after the crusts have fallen, these can be covered with make-up that is after about 14 days. Is taboo for six weeks take sunbath.

Frequently one doesn't always need a laser medical treatment, single small folds also can be soothed by sub-syringes with fat of one's own. However, this correction has the disadvantage that fat of one's own is dismantled by the body and the operation must be repeated once in a while. Another filler is the hyalonacid. This increases the moisture content and the tension of the skin and lets the folds fade. This medical treatment also also requires several meetings.

A popular method to smooth mimic folds in the forehead area is the injection with botox (Botulinum toxin A). The medicine is splashed in crowds fixed exactly between nerve and musculature which a temporary paralysis of the musculature causes. A repetition has to be obtained around a more continuous effect necessarily after about six months.

An effective method for the fold fighting is the peeling. At first it is noticed to which skin type the patient belongs to minimize possible risks of a scar formation. Depending on skin results this becomes superficial, medium-deep or deep peeling voted. The superficial peeling becomes primarily the skin freshening and rejuvenation and fetus acids are primarily used. At the medium-deep peeling more aggressive acids are used and the rejuvenation effect is longer-term. The deep peeling medical treatment is carried out with a phenolic solution. By the operation the deeper folds are also removed, he is, however, connected to considerably more pains since the lower skin layers are co-treated.

In front of the medical treatment, a thorough advice conversation should take place with the treating specialist staff in which the questions and expectations are discussed with the patient. A serious physician also informs the patient about possible risks and the limits of the medical treatment.

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