Fat suction men

Not only women, but don't escape for either men from obstinate little paddings. The typical places are the abdomen, the hip, the waist and the mamma at men. These are some anatomical differences between men and women, though, why the species of the medical treatment and the remedying of the problem zones also differently takes place.

What the rider trousers are with women, the beer abdomens are at men. The fat can accumulate both within the abdominal cavity and over the muscular layer at men. If the fat shifts within the abdominal cavity, one cannot achieve these with the sucking tubes. There at men it is the fatty tissues more strongly and more networkedly than with women, requires more exertion of the physician to siphon the fat.

With a benign one mamma nozzles (gynecomastia) one or on both sides extended man frequently suffers from a reduced self-confidence. You want a firmer and more masculine mamma. They therefore consult subject surgeons. The gynecomastia hits at about 40-60 % of all men. There are different causes, why suffer from gynecomastia for men. The extended man mamma can have arisen either as a result of a clear overweight or after a successful weight reduction.

The cause of the gynecomastia is cleared in front of an operative operation. To one exclude liver or nozzle illnesses a general practitioner also can carry out the first examination. The fat is siphoned by small incisions on the edge of the nipple atrium with fine cannulas in the medical treatment.

The fat suction can last depending on body place under a local anesthesia or general anesthesia approx. one until three hours. The operation gets ambulatory or medical treatment carried out more stationarily with a day. In addition, one should in addition include in his plans three to four sick person days. After the operation a compression laundry has to be worn.

An operative operation carries is always full of risks. Is so advisable to clarify these about the qualification of the physician. The smoking should be limited strongly for four weeks from the operation and must on pain-killing medicines for two weeks from the operation be renounced such as aspirin.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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