Buttocks reduction

A fat suction can be helpful at a too big botty. With a following streamlining good and durable results have to be obtained. An operative skin streamlining at the buttocks can make sense as an only operation then if the skin excess has arisen with an advanced age despite sports or according to a diet.

A pure buttocks skin streamlining can be carried out in a local anesthesia or on request of the patients into general anesthesia.

Being introduced to the tissue and the surplus fat siphoned by small steps of fine cannulas in the medical treatment. E.g. the incisions to this are put in unobtrusive skin games to hide into the buttocks fold around grain. If surplus skin remains too much available, it is then cut away.

After the medical treatment the patient should certainly wear the compression laundry recommended by the specialist. It is advisable to sleep after the operation on the abdomen and to do without sports for about eight weeks.

An operative operation carries is always full of risks. So the qualification of the physician recommends itself to clear. The smoking should be limited strongly for four weeks from the operation and must on pain-killing medicines for two weeks from the operation be renounced such as aspirin.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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