Abdominal wall streamlining

Every year can the bathing season mean a pain for people with an unsightly abdomen. The cause of a tired and creased abdominal wall being able to be parliamentary allowance or pregnancies delivered. The abdominal wall skin is loosened and stretched by the pregnancy hormones at a pregnancy. Because of this this one often cannot the involution exercises in front of the birth take the abdomen to the shape. An abdominal wall streamlining can be the solution here. For women who plan even further pregnancies it makes sense to wait with an abdominal wall streamlining after the births since the abdomen stretches during the pregnancy once again. An abdominal wall streamlining should be carried out six months after the delivery at the earliest. In addition, the women after should stop calm for some months wait until the hormone household has itself stabilized again. An abdominal wall streamlining can be recommended only at a good health status. An operation is warned against at a weakened immune system (such as at diabetes mellitus). In addition, himself must be the patient in the clear one that after the operation, at first a great scar remains visible which fades only with the time.

The operation is as a rule carried out into general anesthesia and lasts approximately one and a half until three hours. The abdominal wall streamlining isn't a small operation. A clinic stay must therefore be included in our plans by 3 to 4 days and following two weeks rest for the operation.

An abdominal wall streamlining is carried out if the extensive skin and soft part excess still can be corrected by parliamentary allowance with training. In this case a fat suction doesn't help along any more either. Disturbing little paddings are, if the abdomen, however, has achieved an outsize with a folded skin, is the abdominal wall streamlining removed by fat suction according to a successful diet the solution. A fat and skin excess below the navel can be corrected with a mini-abdominal wall streamlining.

If a weight reduction is still planned, the abdominal wall streamlining should be carried out only if the patients have reached their wish weight. Fat is exclusively siphoned at the fat suction. Through this a certain skin streamlining is also reached. An abdomen streamlining is more intensive with the resection of skin and fat, though. Greater fat depots and tissue tired are removed from the anterior abdomen region. In addition, the musculature of the abdominal wall also can be tightened. Which method is used at the operation, should be cleared with the surgeon in an individual advice conversation in front of the operation. Of a simultaneous execution of a fat suction and abdominal wall streamlining it is to warn urgently, though. Two operations would this one lead to a worse circulation of the skin together. To great operation requiring 6 hours other complications could how circulation problems or thromboses appear do at 4.

At the abdomen streamlining the incision leadership is relatively long and on the other hand goes of this hipbone only just over the pudendum hairiness. It is recorded in front of the operation and goes so that it can completely be covered by the bathing fashion. The upper smaller circular incision which frees the navel from the surrounding tissue follows. The complete abdominal wall skin can then be lifted by the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles are brought closer, tightened and sewn in the middle. Through this the abdominal wall strengthened and the waist is made narrower. The surplus skin is removed, the navel used to the original position and the wound locked. The blood and sore secretion being able to drain away over thin drainage tubes within the first 12 to 24 hours. The incision is fundamentally smaller at a mini-abdominal wall streamlining.

After the operation compression underwear should be worn for about 6 weeks. Sports and heavy physical activities particularly raise more heavily objects, you must avoid at this time. Insolation and solarium visits should be renounced some months after the operation.

A deafness feeling after the operation can last up to a year. Up to a year stop, however, go increasingly paler as well be able to red put. A definite result can after approx. one year be stated first.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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