
Rickets is often needed for osteomalacia or "English disease" synonymously. The rickets is a vitamin D deficiency disease. Precursors get the vitamin D (calciferol pre-cursors) with the nutrition taken, stored in the skin and changed into the real vitamin D (Colecalciferol) by the UV radiation (sunlight). D lacks the vitamin or a child gets too little sunlight, the vitamin cannot be changed into its effective shape in the skin. Vitamin D regulates the calcium and phosphate photo from the intestine, the phos-phate reabsorption in the kidney and the installation of minerals (calcium, phosphate) into the ground substance of the bone (osteoid). At vitamin D deficiency the bones don't calcify sufficiently, remain soft and bend at load.

The osteomalacia can have the following causes:

The vitamin D metabolism is disturbed in most cases. Reasons for it are an egg-white malnutrition, impairment of the nutrient photo in the stomach intestine tract or too little insolation.

The education can be restricted for D of vitamin also at kidneys and liver illnesses. A very rare special form of the rickets is a vitamin D independent disturbance, the so-called the phosphate diabetes.

The clinical picture of the rickets appears as follows:

The disease appears between the second life month and 2 years mostly. Already in the 2nd - 3rd life months the children are restless, easily startled and sweat particularly at the back of the head. As of the 3rd-4ths life months the following symptoms can be watched: The children have one abdominal wall (frog belly) sleeps, constipation, perhaps spasms and the skeleton changes get visible. It comes to a delayed closure of the skull sutures or to the malacia of the skull bones and on-friction of the cartilage bone limit of the ribs (rachitic rosary). Furthermore deforma-tions of the complete skeleton have to be watched, particularly distortions of the spi-nal column, remodelling of the pelvis and curvature of the femurs (bandy legs). The teeth break delayedly and show enamel defects and therefore tend to caries more lightly.

The diagnosis is substantiated by x-ray images. The typical bone changes can be recognized very well on this. Divergent concentrations can be stated by calcium, phosphate and alkaline phosphatase at a blood test.

The rickets hardly appears in Germany. The children get vitamin D tablets ordered prophylactically in the first year of life. Moreover, this prophylaxis is combined with a caries prophylaxis with fluorine. The ordered tablets are milk and water-soluble lightly and are given minimumly.

The medical treatment with children consists in the gift of minimum 100 to 200 IE vi-tamin D as well as sunlight or height insolation. Calcium preparations in addition are also ordered. After the medical treatment the bone distortions correct themselves by themselves mostly. The basic illnesses are given therapy to accompanyingly.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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