
The pharyngeal tonsils, also called polyps in the people mouth, are due to the transi-tion of the nasal cavity to the pharynx in the pharynx roof. You are a part of the ton-sillar ring. The palatine tonsils which are due to the tongue reason on the right and on the left behind the soft palate also are part of it. A part of them is recognizable at an open mouth.

Are primarily with children between the 3rd and 7th years of life both extends the pharynx, and the palatine tonsils mostly. It is surely a reason that the children are exposed to infections in this age increased in the nose pharynx area. Therefore the extension of the tonsillar ring is considered a sign of active antibody formation to the construction of the endogenous defense. The extension of the pharyngeal tonsils of (adenoid) is however also caused by other factors. The inclination towards adenoid ("pharyngeal tonsil proud fleshes") probably is bequeathed. Endocrine, constitutional and nutrition conditional factors are discussed as well.

With the admission to school and the infections thus often less frequently appearing the adenoid ones reduce themselves gradually by themselves again. Since the ana-tomical conditions are very cramped in the nose pharynx space with nursery school children, the adenoid ones can be responsible for the following complaints and ill-nesses, however:
  • By the hindrance to the nasal breathing the children frequently snore and breathe by the mouth. The children are often tired through this.
  • A typical facial expression (facies adenoidae) with open mouth and prominent upper jaw is characteristic.
  • Chronic inflammations of the nasal mucosa and/or the nose sinuses of the nose are part of the clinical picture.
  • The air isn't moistened and filtered at the mouth breathing as in the case of the nasal breathing. Frequent infections in the area of the bronchial system are the consequence.
  • The orifice immediately lies besides the pharyngeal tonsils to the middle ear (Eustachic tube, eustachian tube > tuba auditiva). It is transferred by the pha-ryngeal tonsils swollen up, the middle ear can be ventilated no longer cor-rectly, a negative pressure arises, secretion cannot drain away from the mid-dle ear any more, it comes to fluid accumulations behind the eardrum so (Tube middle ear catarrh with grinding up effusion).Relapsing otitis medias (Otits media) can as well be the consequence.
  • Be able to the auditory ossicles pass the vibrations of the eardrum on to the internal ear by the fluid accumulation behind the eardrum no longer optimally.
The troubles (snore nightly, mouth breathing, frequent cold, bad hearing, relapsing otitis medias) can be charging so that an operative resection of the extended pharyn-geal tonsils must be taken into consideration. The ENT physician can see the nose pharynx space and get a more exact image of the illness with special opticses.

The operative resection of the pharyngeal tonsils (adenotomy) is carried out under a 5 to 10-minute general anesthesia. The excretion is carried out with a special instru-ment about the wide open mouth (mouth gag). The operation lasts only few minutes, a wound suture isn't carried out. The adenotomy can be even ambulatorily carried out under certain prerequisites (no essential pre-illnesses or disturbances of the blood coagulation). Your child should not fallen ill, however, at the operation time acutely -- caught a cold for example, be.

An operation frequently carried out in addition is a small incision in the eardrum (Paracentese) with using grinding up small pipes. By the open eardrum fluid is si-phoned from the middle ear. This isn't always completely possible. This access to the middle ear is therefore kept open by grinding up small pipes to ensure a ventilating of the middle ear. The grinding up drainages contribute to avoid the chronic otitis me-dias with eardrum damages. The grinding up small pipes can repel spontaneously after 2-3 months or get remote from the ENT physician.

The risks of the operation can be the followings:

  • Loosening of the milk teeth (by the mouth gag),
  • Secondary hemorrhages (very rare),
  • Dysphagias and pains.

The following points are important to the follow-up treatment:

  • Give your child sufficient cool drinks.
  • For two weeks therefore all activities which increase the blood abundance in the head should wash one of Baden or hairs physical efforts, taking a shower hotly, avoided be. The risk of a secondary hemorrhage is minimized so.
  • You never leave your child alone after the dismissal at home. In the case of a secondary hemorrhage it must immediately be taken to the next clinic.
  • With some grinding up small pipes is even swim permitted since their open-ings are so small that no water drop can penetrate into the middle ear.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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