
There is a discrepancy between the size of the glans penis and the distance of the foreskin (preputium penis) of the penis at a phimosis. The penis foreskin can't be touched about the glans penis and strangulates it. This narrowing of the so-called external foreskin ring can be (secondary) inborn (primary) or acquiredly. A primary phimosis is relatively rare. She may not be mixed up with an adhesion of glans penis and foreskin, (up to and including) this one in the infant and infancy the third year of life physiologically is normal and usually comes loose up to the puberty completely in any case. This adhesion fulfills even a certain protection function. The oversensitive skin of the glans penis is protected from the sharp urine.

There is once a normal distance of the foreskin at a secondary phimosis. Caused by cicatrizations (grain tissue has a shrinking tendency) it can come to a narrowing of the foreskin.

The following causes can be responsible for it:

  • Would catch on and bleedings arise by pulling the foreskin about the penis tip back forcibly be able to. Inflammations which scarredly heal can be the conse-quence. Try therefore never to pull the foreskin of your son back forcibly!
  • Relapsing foreskin and balanitises happening (repeated) (balanoposthitis, balanitis) can appear which lead to the scar formation.
  • Cicatrizations are also caused by lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, a chronically inflammatory skin illness of the glans penis and internal foreskin sheet whose cause is unclear. A symptom for this disease is a scarred, whitish ring of the foreskin border.

The clinical picture at a phimosis can look as follows:

  • The urine ray is thin or the urine only runs (it can remain residual urine in the bladder).
  • The foreskin blows out at the urination.
  • Bacteria can reach the foreskin lightly. The foreskin frequently lights, the penis tip red is swollen up and sensitive to pain cause you, that. Even pus can ac-cumulate under the foreskin. Urinating is then connected to strongly burning pains.
  • The pull the foreskin back isn't or aggravates only very much possibly.
  • It comes to the tension or pulled down at the erection.
The treatment of a phimosis depends on the symptoms and the age of the child. At first the attending doctor will order an antibiotic ointment at acute inflammations. You still can in addition make hip-baths with chamomile.

If the normal uroflow is hindered strongly and it comes to inflammations again and again and/or the foreskin opening has even already healed up, an operative dilatation or resection (circumcision, circumcision) of the narrow foreskin must be carried out. The circumcision is carried out already before the third year of life at this indication, too.

The opinions about this have to be treated, when at the no troubles appear, a narrowing a so-called physiologic phimosis differs strongly. Routine circumcisions are usually carried out (justified) culturally religiously with newborn childs. There is the recommendation of the elimination of the phimosis up to an age of three years or until school age. Waiting up to the puberty is also taken into consideration. Nowadays one frequently starts with medical treatments to school with the admission and weighs up from case to case individually.

You give conservatively at the so-called physiologic phimosis or also an adhesion (adhesion) between the glans penis and the penis foreskin at first. To this the penis tip is put cream 2-3 times minimumly with an ointment containing estrogen more than 3-6 weeks. Also antiphlogistic (antiphlogistic) substances and corticosteroids are be in many creams or solutions. A careful body hygiene should be paid attention to sup-porting (frequent Baden). The adhesions often come loose spontaneously by the growth or by erections, too.

There are different techniques for the operative elimination of a phimosis:

  • At the thrifty circumcision a part of the foreskin remains unchanged and the glans penis covers (this operation is most frequently carried out).
  • The glans penis lies with the radical (complete) circumcision completely freely.
  • The foreskin opening is enlarged by a special incision leadership and suture technique (dilatation plastic), the foreskin remains preserved almost com-pletely itself.
The operative operation is carried out by a surgeon (ambulatorily or in the hospital) under general anesthesia. A circumcision is practically a smaller operation which lasts for only few minutes. Your child will have pains at the urination after the another around two day.

As follows you can help your son in addition after the operation:

  • The healing gets faster (twice minimum) by chamomile baths.
  • If, at night, your son cannot sleep because of the pains, then you give him a suppository containing paracetamol or juice.
  • If the outside temperature allows it, you let its son run around without trousers. Because everything which scours at a penis just cut makes it sore.
It comes to complications (secondary hemorrhages, wound infection) at a normal healing course rarely. A renewed phimosis is possible at a dilatation plastic.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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