Infection frequency with children

It is completely normal that infants, schoolchildren and teenagers fall ill with infections more frequently than adults. The infection frequency usually decreases with an in-creasing age.

During the pregnancy and silent time the mother passes antibodies ("body's de-fenses") on to its child against illnesses it has gone through itself. The antibodies reach the body of the child about the placent or about the mother's milk. Dadurch ist es vor bestimmten Krankheiten geschützt. However, there is this "nest protection" for only some months. The child then must begin its own defense system to build up its own antibodies. The children you begin around to crawl and everything put into the mouth, meet a variety of germs of a dis-ease at the latest if with about half a year. Viruses, bacteria, add mushrooms, animal protist and parasites, to it. The immune system of the crawl and infants is only at the beginning of its lifelong training against the germs of a disease. It is therefore under-standable that crawl and infants are ill considerably more frequently than taller chil-dren and adults. The contact with the infection shoots leads this one to the formation of antibodies, the child partly lifelong - such as at veins or mumps - or at least for a while - as in the case of colds and diarrhea illnesses - offering protection against a renewed infection with the same shoot. So the child must go through diseases to attain a stable health. One even knows that children who have often gone through infections in the baby and infancy purchase a certain protection which against allergies.

A child has seen statistically or sore throats trigger be able to in its first six years of life contact with 200 to 300 different viruses, the infections of the upper air routes, cough, common cold. 8 to 10 banal infections in the year are completely normal for infants. With admission to the nursery school the child is exposed to a variety of new causative agents and the infection frequency rises further once. One expects approximately 12 illnesses per annum in the nursery school age. With schoolchildren with six to eight and with teenagers with five in the year.

For certain illnesses children are predestined also anatomically. (Small and narrow eustachische tube -> see otitis media, tiny and small bronchiolen swelling at infec-tions more lightly to than with an adult -> siehe dazu auch Bronchiolitis). Children fall ill by their behavior more often than adults, too (Foreign bodies into the ears are -> suck and canoodle of objects, see inflammations of the external ear -> see scarlet fever, diarrhea illnesses, cold diseases). Sick person cheerful more actively lie in wait everywhere. It is of no use to isolate the child or to not give to the nursery school any more. A nursery school pause and with that a rest period for the immune system only then has to be taken into consideration if the child is almost permanently ill and weakened. One can (much fresh air, climacteric showers), motion, healthy nutrition and vacci-nate, be child in front of infections protect, toughen up only by silences.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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