Blunt injuries (contusions) of the eye

Blunt injuries of the eye become for example champagne corks, stones (for example at the grass mow), falls on the eye area by a beat on the eye by soccer, tennis or squash balls and causes running to blunt objects. The bony orbit will protect the eye in most cases itself, however, the little veins under the skin can burst and the environment of the eye can swell up. It comes to a hematoma. In this case you establish a cold compress for your child for one half hour to soothe the hematoma.

It can happen injuries of all structures also depending on heaviness of the trauma in the eye, however. Retina edemas which at the worst lead to a retinal detachment are the most frequent complication at a heavy eye contusion. The different complications can appear also only after years. Regular control examinations at the ophthalmologist with an eyeground endoscopy and check of the intraocular pressure are therefore necessary.

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