Success prospects

The success prospects are of great importance for pairs which make a child wish medical treatment. Statisticses can give only clues. You reflect only average values again and change with the medical progress. The individual prerequisites of a pair are decisive for the success. The species of the fertility disturbance, the age of the woman, the duration of the unfulfilled child wish and the spiritual condition of the pair influence the medical treatment success.

Not every pregnancy leads to the child of its own. Tubal pregnancies, am missing and miscarriages can appear. The multiple pregnancies appearing in large numbers after hormone treatments are more critical with regard to the pregnancy course. The following statistical values can be summarized:

The birth rates per medical treatment cycle:
  • Hormonstimulation 5% -10%
  • Hormonstimulation and Insemination 5% -10%
  • IVF 12% - 20%
  • ICSI 15% - 25%
  • MESA/TESE 12% -20%
These data are only clues. The success prospects of a pair should be discussed individually.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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