Reasons for the sterility

Every child wish medical treatment is tailored to the pair individually. To this it is imperatively the exact cause to find out why one is childless. Restrictions are usually found at the two partners in the reproductiveness.

With the woman the following causes must be clarified. Hormone disturbances of the ovaries, damage done to the oviducts (tubas), pathological changes at the womb (uterus) or the cervix, endometriosis, congenital malformations of the sexual organs and immunologic processes.

In the cycle event the ovaries play a central role. The ovum maturation takes place in them. In addition, hormones important to the reproduction are formed here. If the ovaries don't work correctly, leads this to disturbances the egg maturation, missing ovulation and reduced yellow body formation. The distribution or formation of the two negatively influences ovary hormones progesterone and estrogen these to the hormone disturbances, belong: Hyperandrogenemia (overproduction of male sex hormones), Hyperprolaktinemia (overproduction of the hormone prolactin), Hyper or hypothyroidism (about-or insufficient function of the thyroid).

Impairments of the oviducts are caused by inflammations, tubal pregnancies, infections, operations or by the endometriosis. After the ovulation the oviducts take the ovum, it is stimulated by a spermium and hikes supported by the motion of the cilium into the uterus. Der Transport der Eizellen wird unmöglich oder ist stark beeinträchtigt, wenn die Eileiter verklebt, verschlossen oder durch Verwachsungen in ihrer Beweglichkeit einschränkt sind.

Damages done to the womb occur because of myomas (muscle nodes) or malformations. They can negatively influence or lead to miscarriages the reproduction depending on lie. Cicatrizations of the cervix are caused by inflammations or operations, for example. The walk of the spermiums by the cervic to the uterine cavity and the oviducts can be aggravated by it. Hormone disturbances and/or infections can impair the consistence, set and formation of the cervical mucus and disturb the way of the spermiums to the oviducts with that.

The endometriosis is at a gynecological illness tissue (womb mucosa) appears the also outside the womb cavity endometric. Like also the womb mucosa, in the uterus this tissue is subject to the menstrual rhythm, this means it builds up and bleeds during the menstruation. The tissue can establish itself at the ovaries, the oviducts, at the intestine or in the bladder in rare cases even on the lung, for example. The symptoms of the endometriosis are very strong pains in front of and during the menstruation. The rule is longer, stronger and blood fall like. This disease can lead to changes at the reproductive organs and to adhesions in the abdominal cavity. The conception is aggravated or even impossible.

Also congenital malformations of the reproductive organs are considered for an unintentional sterility. Diese treten aber eher selten auf.

Immunologic processes
In rare cases the woman forms antibodies against her own ovums. It happens more frequent that antibodies are available in the cervical mucus against the spermiums.

At the man these must reasons for a restricted or missing procreative capacity be clarified.

(30 and 20%) must be the produced spermiums normally formed (more than 50%) and normally till in moderation mobilely. Least 20 million spermiums per milliliter of seminal fluid should be available. The total amount is 2 till maximal 5 milliliters. The compliance with a temperature is a little important for the formation of the spermatozoen under the normal body temperature (35 º C). One talks about oligozoospermia at not enough spermatozoen. This is one availably describes too little mobile sperm cells formed as an asthenospermia and too little well be named as teratozoospermie.

When reasons for the restricted semen cell formation are valid:
  • Varicose veins at the scrotum
  • Inheritance
  • Injuries of the testicles
  • excessive consumption of semi-luxury items like nicotine and alcohol
  • Influence of environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals
  • Overheating or permanent undercooling of the testicles
  • Infections (mumps)
  • Chromosome anomalies
  • Circulatory disorders and tumore.
The spermatic ducts are in rare cases shut oneself off. The sperm cells don't reach the ejaculate so. There is a so-called azoospermia.

Possible reasons for the damage done to the spermatic ducts are:
  • Injuries cause, for example by accidents or operations (inguinal hernia)
  • Infections by sexually transmissible diseases
  • congenital malformations.

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