Calendar method

Alone by leading a menstruation calendar one can determine the time of the ovulation. The ovulation usually 14 days before the beginning of the next menstruation takes place. Here examples for the calculation: If the cycle of a woman lasts for 30 days, then the ovulation has to be expected on the 16th day after the menstruation beginning. If the woman has a shorter cycle of for example 24 days, there is a good chance on the 10th day after using the rule with the ovulation. The calendar method is is appropriate only for women with a very regular cycle, though.

The basal body temperature charting makes use of the fact that the body temperature (basal temperature) increases by a couple of tenth degrees after the ovulation about two days. It remains increased until the beginning of the bleeding. The hormone progesterone is responsible for this increase. The ovulation appointment can to some extent be found out reliably from the cycle and the temperature observation so. This method required but very much discipline and a regular way of life. You must measure every morning before getting up. The values are written down on a special graph. At least six hours should be the sleep duration in front of the measurement. Infections and taking of alcohol distort the measurement results in addition.

Examination of the cervical mucus
As executed already, the consistence of the cervical mucus is different depending on cycle time. After the menstruation the glands of the cervix only produce little cervical mucus (so-called "dry days"). Small sets of a viscous, sticky mucus then form. It has a white one to a yellowish stain. Its crowd permanently increases and its composition changes. The cervical mucus is fluid, clear and "getting crazy cash" shortly before the ovulation. One leaves it dry, a fern structure lets itself be seen (this is visible with a bare eye) for example on a slide now. The spermiums are viable in the thin mucus for some days. It is therefore described as a fertile mucus. The cervical mucus can directly be taken at the sheath orifice or also in the sheath. However, a reliable judgement is usually possible only after some exercise.

Change of the cervix
Just like mucus and body temperature the cervix is subject to conditional changes hormonally during the cycle. A self examination of the cervix isn't, however, sufficient as an only method for the test of the fertile time. The observation of its change still is combined with other methods most. Directly after the menstruation the cervix is closed and solid. It rises deeply into the sheath (vagina) so that it has to be felt well with the fingers. The ovulation moves more nearly, it gets soft, opens lightly and increases with some women more highly. It is then hardly palpable. After the ovulation it closes again, gets solid and is deeper again.

Cycle observation by ultrasound
On different days in the cycle the size of the ripening follicle is determined by a physician by ultrasound. An ultrasound head is introduced to the vagina to this and measured at the screen of the ultrasonic apparatus of the follicles. The hormone values also can in addition be determined in the blood. Show the egg maturation you. Both methods combined can fix the most favorable time for a sexual intercourse.

Ovulation test
The concentration of the luteinizing hormone increases in front of the ovulation. It triggers the ovulation 24 -36 hours after its highest value. The hormone is for example provable in the urine. Test strips with monoclonal antibodies for LH are available in every drugstore market as so-called ovulation tests. You have to be handled similarly as a pregnancy test.

The LH values dependently are found out by the cycle length with a one test rod each on particular successive days. After the increase in the luteinizing hormone sexual intercourse then should be carried out within the next 24 hours. Certain medicines, such as antibiotics or psychotropic drugses, distort the test result. Illnesses, such as ovary cysts or endometriosis or the climacterics, also can change the hormone values.

Body signals
Many women notice certain body signals in themselves at the time of the ovulation.

These signals are:
  • stronger libido (greater need for sex)
  • Atmosphere high or sensitivity
  • pungent pain in the lower abdomen or the inguinal region. This pain appears at the ovulation and is rather dull when pulling. It can stop a day. Some women also can identify exactly the body side of the pain.
  • Spotting. This usually is the means or midcyclical bleeding. increased sensitivity in the mamma by the increasing estrogen mirror.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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