Health Illness

Cycle event life arise

Recurring cyclic changes in the body can be watched in the fertile years of the woman monthly. Hormones are the cause. The messenger substances, also be called hormones so, be produced and tipped out into the blood by body glands. They reach the blood to their working places. You are effective in lowest concentrations and are subject to regulation mechanisms coordinated with each other finely. The education and working places of the female hormones are the hypothalamus (a little diencephalon region), the hypophysis and the ovaries.

For the reproduction the following six hormones play a decisive role:
  • The "boss hormone" of the sexuality is the GnRH (gonadotropin, Releasing, -hormone). It is formed in the hypothalamus and proposes the hypophysis to release the fertility hormones FSH and LH.
  • The female sex hormone estrogen is produced into the ripening follicle in the ovaries. The further the follicle ripens during its development all the more gets poured out of this hormone into the blood. The estrogens cause the construction of the womb mucosa and the liquefaction of the secretion in the cervix.
  • The hormone follicle stimulating (FSH) causes the eggmaturation. It is formed in the hypophysis. The formation of estrogens activates FSH into the follicle and the education and activity of cells stimulates inside the hypophysis (granulosa cells). You are in connection with the ovum and provide it with nutrients.
  • The luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers the ovulation. It is produced like the FSH in the hypophysis. It stimulates the production of progesterone in the second cycle half.
  • Progesterone is formed in the second cycle phase and serves to get the womb mucosa. In addition, it causes the increase in the basal temperature after the ovulation. It is produced in the yellow body. The yellow body arises from the follicle after the ovulation in the ovary.
  • The human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is the pregnancy hormone. You are educational in the cells of the pregnancy envelope. It activates the release of progesterone in the yellow body until the placenta can take on the progesterone production itself.
A cycle generally lasts in the ideal case 28 days between 23 and 35 days. It starts on the first day of the menstruation bleeding and ends on the day before the next bleeding. The cycle is divided up into two phase: The first phase starts on the 1st day of the menstruation bleeding and ends with the ovulation (ovulation), the second phase (luteal phase) begins after the ovulation and stops the entering of the next menstruation.

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