Child wish tips

The chances of a pregnancy can be increased by a rearrangement of the way of life.
  • Limit social drugs or they completely do without these. Moderate taking of alcohol doesn't seem to decrease the fertility. Drinking regularly, strongly about for some time impairs both the male and the female reproductiveness. Alcohol should be renounced completely in the pregnancy. Smoking reduces provably the fertility of both sexes. The nicotine harms the unborn in the pregnancy. Drinks containing caffeine should be drunk (maximal 1 -2 cups minimum) in front of and during the pregnancy only in measures.
  • Go a physical and psychic stress from the way. Too much the libido (sexual desire) reduced becomes stress and the fertility impairs by. Nervousness and exhaustion conditions are part of the stress features. At these symptoms breaks can help on weekday, vacation or relaxation techniques. Many children are "vacation children." Among other things the biological background is the following: At external and internal stress conditions the hormone prolactin is secreted increased into the blood. If the hormone is produced excessively, it can come to irregularities in the cycle or to a weakness of the ovaries or testicles.
  • They avoid strong about or underweight. Both weight problems can lead to a temporary sterility. 29% body fat portion applies to a woman as optimal to get pregnant. There are specialized physicians or advice centers for the two health disturbances at which the one concerned finds Mrs Rat, help and support.
  • The procreative capacity of a man can be limited by overheating or undercooling of the testicles strongly. At this permanently high or very low temperatures are extensive hot baths or a job, have a negative effect on the fertility. So optimally only at 35 º C. outly is the temperature The spermium production is carried only only just under the normal body temperature. If the temperature is too high in the testicles, the formation of the spermiums is impeded and even destroys the sperm cells. A low temperature has an effect on the spermium production also inhibitingly, the spermatozoen aren't destroyed, however.
  • Medicines also can prevent a pregnant woman development. In any case talk with their physician. In the pregnancy many medicines are anyway counter-indicated or it must get changed over to other preparations.
  • Many environmental pollutants can limit the fertility. You are exposed to solvents or heavy metals (lead, cadmium and mercury) at work, for example and an enrichment is suspected in the body, tests are shown to substances on these. A detoxification can be carried out.
  • Eat you himself healthy. They fill their mineral and vitamin depots out. Foods like vegetables, fruit, milk and whole grain products, are nutrition physiologically recommendable. The cover of the need for the vitamin folic acid is already in front of the pregnancy particularly important. Perhaps they go back to a multi-vitamin preparation.
  • Competitive sport and heavy physical work influence the fertility also negatively.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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