Methods of the fertility medical treatment

1. Hormonal medical treatment

The reasons for an unfulfilled child wish are frequently hormone disturbances of the most different genesis. These are established in the hormone state and can be one regulated by gift of specific hormones individually again. Examples of it are the disturbances of the thyroid, the hyperprolaktinemia (too much of the hormone becomes prolactin formedly) or hyperandrogenemia (the values of the male hormones) are too high. A diet often helps at a very strong overweight to regulate the hormone household again.

2. Hormonal stimulation and recommendation of an appointment for the sexual intercourse

If a disturbance of the ovum maturation has pointed itself out at the diagnostics (link), you give with female hormones. The third day after the menstruation beginning starts with the hormone treatment of the woman mostly on the third cycle day, is meant. The medicines are given either into tablet shape or by syringes. The medical treatment is possible with several preparations. Some medicines contain two hormones (luteinizing hormone LH and hormone follicle stimulating FSH). LH is required to the ovulation triggering, not always some women are educational themselves enough of it. There is a highly purified FSH for this case. It is its advantage that it doesn't have to be injected intramuscularly but only subcutaneously (under the skin). This can one themselves or the partner makes. As of approximately the 8th cycle day the ovum maturation is checked. From the blood or perhaps this hormone tests saliva becomes the size of the follicle and the maturity determines with the help of the ultrasound and regular. The hormone gift is adapted. The follicle is, that a fertilization capable ovum is in it great enough at a size from 18 to 22 mm. Now gets the human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) with another hormone the ovulation triggered. This hormone has a great similarity to the ovulation of triggering LH and ties to the LH receptors of the ovary longer and more strongly. It makes longer and stronger than the natural LH an impression there. The fertilization is carried out either by sexual intercourse or with the help of the insemination about 36 hours later. The hormonal over-stimulation syndrome is one of the dreaded side effects of the fertility medical treatments. The ovaries produce many and great follicles. Comes triplets, quadruplets can to the sexual intercourse do it now or still more parties arise. The doctors therefore warn urgently at over-stimulation of sexual intercourse.

At a heavy over-stimulation the ovaries gain strongly in size and too many hormones produce the egg vesicle.

The side effects can be the followings:
  • Nausea
  • Pains
  • Fluid accumulation in the abdomen
  • Dyspnea
  • Disturbances of the blood coagulation.
Is the over-stimulation must very strongly have treated its woman even in the hospital.

3. Hormone stimulation and insemination (semen prolonged gestation)

The insemination is chosen if the quality of the sperm cells represents a problem or if there are problems at the cervix. Number and movability of spermatozoen are restricted or they are formless, this medical treatment brings the desired success because the sperm cells don't have to cover any so long way up to the ovum. The advantage of this method also consists that the sperm cells reach the ovum in a larger number and more rapidly. The spermiums are introduced into the womb over a thin tube (catheter) at the time of the ovulation. To this the partner must win the sperm by masturbation. Most clinical complexes offer a quite attractive ambiance at problems or the extraction of the ejaculate can be carried out perhaps also at home. The seminal fluid is processed in the laboratory to increase the medical treatment success. Mainly healthy spermiums are concentrated by it. The sperm cells of the husband or partner are used at the homologous insemination. Hetero boxes insemination become the sperm cells of a healthy sperm donor at the uses. The frozen spermiums are called by a sperm bank. This method only is carried out if the husband or partner is absolutely sterile. The child shown so isn't used genetically with the husband. A piece of particularly careful advice of the pair should be carried out at this therapy method. The consent of both married couple/partners is sought extra.

4. Gamete Intrafalliopian Transfer (GIFT)

The fusion of the female and male sexual cells happens (fertilization) in the oviduct of the woman. The ovums are won (also compare IVF below) and advertised with the spermia of the partner into the oviduct by a follicle puncture. This is carried out via the os uteri either by the abdominal wall or with the help of a thin catheter. The fertilization takes place in the oviduct on a natural way. This method has the disadvantage that you cannot state at all at not successes whether at all a fertilization has taken place. The ovum stimulated perhaps also must come through the walk by the oviduct.

5. Kryokonserve

Freezing the ovums is understood in the pronucleus stage under this. One also says soaked ovums to them. The ovum is in the initial stage of the fertilization. The male and the female nucleus still can be seen separated inside the ovum. One still may freeze an ovum in this condition. The kryokonserve is used to put the ovums into the womb at a later time. Advantage of this conservation method lies this one in it that it must be repeated this one often doesn't rake charging hormone stimulation repeatedly . At this storage method, the pregnancy rates are lower than ovums won freshly at the use. The frozen ovums become keeps one for common to two years. Also become sperm cells after the same method or testicle tissue conserves after a testicular biopsy. Tissue withdrawal is therefore dropped the repeated. Under nit roe of atmosphere at-196 C. is the problem that they lose when thawing to quality The spermium ares Alpine pasture east unlimitedly durable. The pair usually bears the costs for the kryokonserve itself.

6. In vitro fertilization (IVF)

This method is also normally called artificial insemination or test tube fertilization. The real fertilization process, the nuclear fusion, still takes place in the ovum. Place of the fertilization is merely the test tube dish. If neither a hormonal stimulation nor the insemination leads to the success, the in vitro fertilization offers its services.

This method is indicated in the following cases:
  • the oviducts are damaged irreparably if, so-called tube closure.
  • an endometriosis is
  • procreative capacity of the man is impaired the considerably
  • the formation of antibodies is the reason of the sterility against the male spermiums
  • you didn't find any clear cause, so-called idiopathic or functional sterility.
At this form of the medical treatment the ovums won by puncture are brought together in a glass dish and after with the sperm cells outside the womb the fertilization by a thin tube (catheter) into the womb given back. The real fertilization process takes place outside the body, doctors also therefore talk about an in-vitro fertilization. An IVF lasts for several weeks and requires steps coordinated with each other exactly, from the point of view of time. The temporal sequence is explained below.

7. the micro injection or ICSI (Intracytoplasmatic spermium injection)

The micro injection is a further development of the in vitro fertilization. Just like at the IVF several mature ovums are taken from the woman after the hormone stimulation. One single sperm cell is injected into the ovum with the help of an extremely thin cannula under a special microscope. This method is also therefore called intracytoplasmatic spermium injection (ICSI). This method is particularly successful if one cannot have any babies because of the man. The quantity of the produced spermiums is too small or the available ones are hardly mobile, for example. The spermiums don't manage at the fertilization in the glass dish to penetrate the envelope which surrounds the ovum. The natural process of the penetrating the sperm cell into the ovum is imitated. If the fertilization and cell division has taken place, one deals with the medical treatment like in the case of an IVF away.

8. Extraction of spermiums directly from the testicle (TESE) or epididymis (MESA)

If no spermium is available in the ejaculation at all, then fertile spermiums really can be often still won from the testicles or epididymises. This method is used for example after inoperable spermatic duct closures or after tumor operations. Microsurgical epididymale spermium aspiration means MESA and the extraction of spermiums means from the epididymis. TESE stands for a testicular spermium extraction and is a procedure at which perhaps fertilization capable sperm cells are won from the testicles. By these methods spermiums still can be found in up to 75% of the cases. The withdrawal of testicle tissue (testicular biopsy) or epididymis tissue is a surgical operation. The tissue specimens, however, can be deep-freezed and are available through this for several medical treatments. Both procedures are always combined with the ICSI.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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