Other measures

Antibiotic therapy at infection asthma at a purulent yellowish addition to the glassy sputum has to be thought to a bacterial infection asthma. Antibiotics: Primarily amoxycillin, cephalosporine, macrolide antibiotics, quinolones. Evtl. Correction of the antibiosis after arriving the Antibiogramms (sputum, bronchial secretion). By a successful infection medical treatment the beta-adrenergic receptors of the bronchial tubes get responsive on the gift of bronchodilators again better!

This can at tough bronchial secretion and stagnating secretion, only heavy by cough be triggered here. A sufficient fluid supply of at least 2 l/day is in addition absolutely necessary.

Secretolytics: Release of a secretion of reduced viscosity, e.g. bromhexin, ambroxol

Mucinolytics: Liquefaction of the bronchial secretion by breaking the disulfide bridges, e.g. N acetylene cysteine (ACC)

Inhalation therapy
Effective is already the inhalation of saline solution (e.g. Emser) 4 inhalation therapy x minimum, very positive the combination with inhalations with sultanol ® and what a quick relief takes, atrovent ®.

Expiration with sharpened lips (= a preconnected breath resistance), so-called "lip brake" for the prevention of an expiratory collapse of the Bronchiolen and bronchial tubes; Vibrax respiratory exercises etc. cough, support of the mucus cough by knocking massage, learn one productive.

can much be helpful for wind and rough climate (primarily the north and Baltic Sea) psychosomatic therapy and climatotherapy in the high mountains or by the sea.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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