Whole year allergies

Also many other substances happening of course can cause troubles besides pollens which are like the hay fever. These troubles can appear during the whole year.

The fruit juice frequent triggers ares:

Animal hairs (cats, dogs, horse and rodents)
House dust ( secretion of house dust mite)
Contact allergy

The symptoms which are triggered by these substances are largely the same as in the case of the pollen hay fever:
  • As a rule, the allergy on animal hairs is particularly intense.
  • The house dust mite lives in every household also at great hygiene and cleanness. It finds it the nicest where we spend alone many hours in bed. Upholstered furniture and carpets are but also its preferential whereabouts. Who suffers from symptoms after waking up or also after an afternoon nap particularly in the morning should think of the house dust mite.
  • Also molds happen everywhere in our environment not only in a bad food but in plant earth or in wet walls and cellars.
  • The food can cause an allergic common cold itself or also in connection with pollens. One then talks about "cross-hypersensitivities". An ex.: Who allergically reacts to early blossoming trees frequently gets troubles (stone or malaceous fruit) also by apples, pears, cherries or peaches. Who is allergic to graspollen often doesn't stand any legumes, carrots or celery, either. Sometimes it is so that these patients can stand this food outside "their" pollen season well.

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