
The Epikutantest is another hitting test, also called lobule test. E.g. it is consulted for the examination of a type IV allergy which can cause e.g. an allergic contact eczema. Incompatibilities are part of this allergy type against nickel (fashion jewellery), cobalt, cosmetics and odorous substances, for example.

At this method of testing special plaster streaks are coated with different allergens and stuck on the back. The reaction is checked after the 1st day, 2nd day and 3rd day and speaks into pruritus and tumescence around the surface to be glued.

The test the 10th year of life doesn't have painfully and simply to be carried out and therefore is already as of the infancy feasible, however get most contact allergies first as of approx. provable.

The disadvantage consists that the often falsely positive results happen, i.e. the skin reacts with pruritus although the person in question isn't allergic to the substance at all. The pruritus passes place reddened in the case of one over several days take a shower or take a bath in which you may not to not distort the reaction. For reading physician visits are necessary behind each other on several days, so the time expenditure isn't inconsiderable.

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